Tips About Dosing Pump

Are you wondering what a dosing pump is? The Kampa team has prepared common features, applications and frequently asked questions of the metering pump for you.

Dosing pump is used to provide chemicals such as acid, chlorine, liquid fertilizer and enzymes that need to be dosed; They are sensitive devices designed to be used in places such as drinking water, pools and irrigation. It works electronically. The flow rate to be given is provided by the movement of the diaphragm.

Tips About Dosing Pump 3 – dosing pump Kampa

What is a Dosing Pump?

Pumps used to move liquids at certain flow rates within a certain time period are called dosing pumps or metering pumps.

To give a simple example, dosing pumps are used to mix 1 liter of chlorine into 100 liters of water per day. It measures chlorine and mixes it into water.

When to Use Dosing Pumps?

Traditionally, dosing pumps are used when the flow rate of a liquid needs to be measured regularly and adjusted to specific doses. They are often seen pumping chemicals in water treatment applications such as drinking water, swimming pools or wastewater treatment.

Food processing facilities also use metering pumps to mix liquid ingredients or in laboratory and medical applications that require accuracy.

What are the Dosing Pump Types?

There are 3 types of dosing pumps depending on their working principles.

  • Analog dosing pumps,
  • Dosing pumps with digital liquid level control,
  • Diaphragm dosing pumps

Features of Analog Dosing Pumps

  • On/off button
  • Speed ​​adjustable designs
  • Body and head highly resistant to corrosive chemicals
  • Dosing pumps, acid, chlorine, liquid fertilizer, etc. They are precision dosing devices designed to be used in places where chemicals need to be dosed (pools, drinking water, agricultural irrigation, etc.).

Features of Digital Liquid Level Control Dosing Pumps

In addition to the features found in analog models, they are dosing pumps with a digital display screen.

  • Fully digital adjustment and automatic calibration using buffer liquids,
  • Ability to determine measurement time at startup,
  • Liquid level control alarm relay,
  • Liquid level controlled,
  • It has features such as user mode.

Features of Electro Magnetic Diaphragm Dosing Pumps

  • Ideal solution for precise dosing of large amounts of liquid chemicals,
  • PP, SS 316, PVC and PVDF pump heads, records and check valves that can be selected according to the chemicals to be dosed,
  • Manual 0 – 100% capacity adjustment while running or stopping,
  • It has features such as capacity adjustment with an electric actuator and motor driver with 4 – 20 mA signal input.
  • There are plastic and metal body types.

Dosing Pump Prices

Dosing pump prices vary depending on the pump’s structure, features, values ​​and usage areas.

As Kampa, we serve our customers with Antech brand domestically produced, quality and economical products. You can contact us at 444 5 622 for dosing pumps, auxiliary equipment, measurement and control devices, spare parts and technical support.

Click to access detergent dosing pumps.

In this article, I tried to explain to you what dosing pumps are and their features. I hope it was useful. You can send us your questions and suggestions by commenting. Click for more pump information.

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