Watering Tips for the Herb Garden

Keep plants moist and happy on hot days! As easy as it sounds, it is very important to know how much to water an herb garden.

If you water too much, it can rot, and if we don’t leave enough water in our botanical garden, we can dry it out and kill it. That’s why we’ve written some tips on healthy growth.

How to Water the Herb Garden?

Many gardeners water more often than the plant needs, encouraging plants to produce shallow roots that make them more dependent on water. For deeper roots, water less often so that the roots can withstand the less available moisture in the soil. .

In dry weather, prioritize seedlings over established plants as they need more water until they develop their root systems. Some crops, such as leafy salads and celery , require more water than others.

Vegetables such as tomatoes and zucchini need extra water during their developmental stages. Tall plants such as climbing beans draw water from the soil, so they need more watering than other plants.

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Apply water as close to the roots as possible. Be careful to water only the roots, as watering or soaking the leaves of the plants is wasteful and can cause disease. Watering can help you get in amongst the foliage. Avoid watering in the middle of the day when most of the applied moisture will evaporate quickly.

Sometimes the surface of the soil may appear dry, while underneath there is plenty of moisture. Dig a hole to see how dry the soil is. If it is moist where the roots are, you don’t need water in the herb garden yet.

Herb Garden Watering Methods

Dripirrigation is the most efficient herb garden irrigation system that delivers water to the roots. It is more beneficial to water in the morning or evening when evaporation rates are low and little will be wasted.

Rainfall irrigation replenishes the water consumed by crops or provides the water needed to make agricultural activities viable, to soften the soil.

Everyone knows that vegetables need water to grow. What is not known is that plants need water even after they bear fruit. Vegetables are mostly water, after all. Consider the water content of these vegetables commonly grown in the herb garden:

  • Cucumbers and lettuce: 96
  • Pumpkin, radish and celery: % 95
  • Tomatoes: 94
  • Green cabbage: 93
  • Cauliflower, eggplant, red cabbage, peppers and spinach: 92%.
  • Broccoli: % 91
  • Carrot: 87
  • Green peas and white potatoes: 79

When to Water the Herb Garden?

Do not water the herb garden soil unconsciously. If the soil sticks to your hand and forms a ball, it is moist enough. But if it barely holds together in the palm of your hand or if the surface looks hard, baked or cracked, it is probably dry and time to water.

  • It is best to water in the morning and in the evening.
  • Frequent and light watering is very healthy.
  • First think about your soil. Sandy soil holds less water than heavy clay soil.
  • Weather conditions also determine when to water garden plants. For example, if it is hot and dry, you need to water more often. Of course, in rainy conditions, very little watering is needed.
  • Different plants have different watering needs. Large plants need more water, as do newly planted ones. Vegetables, bedding plants and many annuals have more shallow roots.
  • It requires watering daily, more frequently, especially at temperatures above 29 C. Most potted plants need daily watering in hot, dry conditions.

Another issue as important as irrigation is the quality of irrigation equipment. The quality of the equipment used in the herb garden irrigation system is very important in terms of not letting you down.

Zeytinburnu tıbbi ve aromatik bitki bahçesi

Irrigation pumps, hoses, sprinklers should be selected and installed in an integrated manner. Soil, vegetables to be grown, irrigation methods and healthy irrigation should be ensured.

Zeytinburnu medicinal herb garden is a rare garden that will allow people to see medicinal and aromatic plants and plant species carefully cultivated by Zeytinburnu municipality with plants from different places and to take an example of the garden irrigation system.

Is there anything left unsaid above about watering the herb garden? If you write to us in the comments section, I will be happy to answer your questions here.

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